Nova Ray® and BlueView® work in Lake Union Washington
In late June 2006 Nova Ray® Subsea Systems and BlueView® Technologies tested the BlueView® 450E and 900E series sonars in SE Lake Union, WA.
BlueView® mentioned that there was a downed ship somewhere in the area where the testing was taking place. After the initilal setup (without coordinates or GPS) Nova Ray® and BlueView® ran some arbitrarily picked transect lines to see if they could pick up anyting.
"We ran these lines and bang, after about an hour and a half we had found the ship" said Campbell Williams of Nova Ray®. "We got a hit, so I flew the Nova Ray® down the vessel length wise to capture sonar and afterwards I flew in for a close up to capture some video."
The visibility that day was about 4 feet and the Nova Ray® was running at about 50 feet. The teams from Nova Ray® and BlueView® had no other survey software or tracking system on board - just the Nova Ray® ROV and BlueView® sonar. It proved to be a very efficient setup.
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